Sunday, July 09, 2006

KC Lab Debates!

Sunday may be a day of rest for some - but not for the KC lab.  We began lab with Tanya's CLUTCH flowing drills - powered by some pretty sweet rap music - other traditional favorites were also involved in the mix.  Then it was the first debate of the KFC lab!!  Teams of four debated each other with a few commentators for the back.  Each KFC lab member took a portion of each of the speeches whether it was a case, rebuttal, or cross-examination.  A huge shout out goes to ALL the KFC lab members who debated for the FIRST time EVER - in the best lab EVER! Tanya, Matt and Beena are SOOOOOOOOOOO proud of you!  A special shout out goes to Justin who had his first crystallization EVER - and it was - needless to say awesome.  Charles also pointed out the importance of confidence when speaking - an important facet of ANY presentation.  In the debriefing of the round, Mark gives great insight into how to debate the value and criterion based off of our earlier discussion - good use of using your previous knowledge, MARK! We ended lab with a little "Eye of the Tiger" action - flowing was obviously clutch - BUT we learned a valuable lesson about LOVE OF THE GAME as well - If you haven't heard it- it's by Survivor! Go check it out! Tomorrow we begin in lab debates and EVERYONE debates! Can't wait to see what a great product the KFC lab will put out!      


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